Kim Storey Photographer
This is what Kim said........Have you ever searched in google for "what does a farmer look like?"! All I found were old men with beards, wearing overalls and holding a pitchfork!
I'm a farmer and I certainly don't look like that!
The idea for the What Does A Farmer Look Like? book came from a twitter discussion I was a part of about the image that is portrayed about how the average farmer looks. It was a discussion including a couple of women and we were all a little disappointed with that google search!
My aim with this book is to show people exactly who farmers are and what we really look like! From veggie growers to wool producers, cattle graziers to oyster farmers there are so many different people and industries that can fall under the banner "farmer".
The new book, Little Farmers, was inspired by the reaction I see every time someone look through the Farm Kids chapter of the first book. It is always one of joy and I love that I can bring that sort of positivity to another book. In Little Farmers, you find more beautiful photographs and stories from our next generation of farmers.
As a photographer, I've always wanted to put together a beautiful coffee table book of my photographs and combining that with telling people's stories is just perfect!
I hope you enjoy both of my books!

Little Farmers